Thursday, August 13, 2009

An Evening with Angela Aki Pt. 2

An evening with Angela Aki and her Answer album coming soon!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tsuji Ayano - Ukelele Goodness

Tsuji Ayano wrote/sang the ending song "Kaze Ni Naru" for Ghibli film, The Cat Returns.

I really enjoyed how different the quality of her voice was compared to the other artists from the Japanese music market. It's very authentic, and raw. She just comes off as real.

She was featured on NPR, here's the audio report.

Tsuji Ayano on NPR

check it out.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Ingrid Michaelson ~Girls and Boys~

This is a great album, good voice, and nice songs.

Tilly and the Wall ~Bottom of Barrels~

great sound, and the percussion is a girl in clogs...awesome!

Jill-DECOY Association

Great sound. They do not dissappoint.

Margot & the Nuclear So and So's ~ The Dust of Retreat~

A great band.

More to come.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Vanessa Carlton - Heroes and Thieves [album]

Previous Post: I didn't realize that her third album was released on October 9, 2007. I was wondering if she was going to record again.

anyways, I looked up the lead single, "Nolita Fairytale" on Youtube and the best quality ws through the Universal Group Youtube account, and embedding the video was disabled. check it out if you want.

I really liked it, so I think I may try to pick up a copy of this album soon. may in Dec, for my christmas present.

So I decided to pick up the album, as Wal-mart had it on sale for $9.88. The album opens with Nolita Fairytale, the lead single. It's a good song, and reintroduces Carlton as a more aggressive and independent person. Check out her music video for the song. I love the drum beat. It's a great return.

Hands on Me starts up and is immediate a little more brooding. The Orchestral backing evident in her previous albums have returned and a sense of comfortability is established. The layering of voices she had in her sophomore album, Harmonium is back and I love it.

Spring Street continues the mood set by Hands on Me. It's a tale of letting go, and moving on.

My Best is a little uplifting and somewhat nurturing. I think it suited the Spring Street well.

Come Undone is about telling someone you love them. It's sweet and short. I really dig how it doesn't try to explain and complicate meanings of feelings. It's straight forward as she sings

"The only one I come undone for is, I know I'm done, now I see the truth."

The One (with Stevie Nicks) - What?! She teamed up with Stevie Nicks?! Yup and their voices blend so well together. It's really a nice on the ears. Oh Stevie Nicks you rock.

Heroes and Thieves - the title track of the album, and of course it's catchy. The title alone is cool and the song is great.

This Time

Fools Like Me

Home is my favorite of the group. I've always thought the word "home" special in some way. When Angela Aki released her HOME single and then the album Home, I knew the word is about having a place that you belong to completely. It can be anywhere as long as you feel the most comfortable there. Nothing in this space makes your feel frustrated or alone. Carlton relates the idea to being in the presence of the one she loves. That's all she needs. I like that after she explains that some people have physical places they call home from a house on a hill or a boat sailing across the ocean, her place is next to this other person. She concludes the song by stating:
"with you all I know is,
I'm coming home,
coming home."

More than this is the final track and brings the end with a soft piano medley. She's ensuring that what she has to offer is all she has. She can't be more than this nor will she try. And anyone will begin to realize if they love her, they won't need anything more.This is a really beautiful song it's a perfect conclusion to the album.

"Let's make this our story,
let's live in the glory,
Time, it fade away,
precious as a song,
cause someday we'll be gone."

Here's a great article on Carlton and this album. It also reveals how she was signed to The Inc. Records...previously known as Murder Inc. Records of Ja Rule, and Ashanti fame. (you read right.)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Once [soundtrack samples]

So a friend of mine sent me to this link : ONCE (click here).

and I remember hearing about this movie, and I was surprised to find out that they play some track from the soundtrack. I was really intrigued, so I think I'm going to look for it.

TRAVIS - The Boy With No Name [album]

The boys are back! It's been a while since 12 memories, but they have returned! Actually, this album was released much earlier in the year, but I just now got it. Man, I miss Travis.

I popped this CD in and I totally was swept back to the days of The Man Who. The vocals were just how I remembered.

The opening track 3 Times and You Lose has a familiar feel and was a great introduction to this new body of work.

Selfish Jean - is the standout track in my opinion. It just a fun kind of song. much like Flowers in the Attic was for The Invisible Band album.

Welcome back TRAVIS! Welcome back into my musical life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

José González - Vaneer [album]

Do you remember the commercial with all the bouncing balls released down the the hill in San Fransisco? I do! The was an amazing feat of design, color.

Here's a screenshot to remind you:

The featured song in the commercial is Heartbeats original written, performed, and recorded by the duo, The Knife. The guy singing this cover is José González.

He does an amazing job with Heartbeats, that I found hid debut album, Vaneer, just to see what else he had to offer. This album is nothing short of amazing. He soft vocals and gentle lyrics and atmospheric guitar blend to make a memorable listening experience. Although the tracks as indviduals were good, the album best works as a whole and I can't imagine them separately. It's like one continuous track, of heavenly goodness.

If you have seen the commercial here it is in all it's glory.

Gorgeous isn't it?

Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now [album]

Joni Mitchell has one of those voices that just makes you want to listen more. Honestly, I'm not familiar with her work, but I picked up her Both Sides Now album, because I really love the title track.

For those of you unfamiliar with this song. The track "Both Sides Now" was used in the film, Love Actually, in the scene where Emma Thompson's character retreats to her bedroom when she realizes that her husband fancying another woman. It's a really moving scene.

Upon the initial listening, I immediate noted that Joni Mitchell is going to be put on my list of musicians who can sing anything and I'll stop everything to listen. Unbelievable just how power her voice is. It's full of life, and has the experience of life and only a musician can get with years.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Onitsuka Chihiro - everyhome [single]

Onitsuka Chihiro is back after a long break from the music scene. My sister was introduced to the great artist during her summer trip to Japan. I was told she took a break due to health reasons and she had surgery on her throat. I was worried that the surgery may prevent her from singing, but she has dropped this single and you know what? She still go it. (personal note: I need to review her other albums I have obtained)

1. everyhome - The song is just so beautiful. I was up late one night this summer and I found the PV and thought everything about this song was just incredible. Her voice is still prominent and although it is still noticeable that she had surgery, it's still strong and emotional. The piano accompaniment is the only backing she has and quite frankly, all she needs.

Welcome back Onitsuka Chihiro, we missed you.

2. MAGICAL WORLD - Continuing with the mood of everyhome, this song almost blends in with the ending of the the previous track. when playing in my Itunes, I almost didn't realize that everyhome ended and MAGICAL WORLD began. Again, the piano only services as the sole back up and again i think it's all she needs. I'm really fascinated with the quality of her voice. It's really unique.

3. 秘密 - More upbeat of the three tracks on this single, 秘密 (Secret) is a catchy tune. It's one of those songs that can get you working and concentrating on something. The tempo of the guitar and the drum are consistent and are not overpowering.

Overall, I can safetly say that Onitsuka Chihiro is back and she's still as good as before. I look forward to future releases and now I'm really going to go back and re-listen to her previous work.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Angela Aki - TODAY [album]

An Evening with Angela Aki

After giving a fairly successful demo TODAY in the lithographic process of 2nd etching. Three of the litho students (who had their stones ready) rolled up their image with ink successfully. My day started out rather well. I went to work, and instead of learning more to repair damaged books, I instead cut down labels for the office's Homecoming displays. I learned so much about the history of Bradley University.
I began to feel that the day was already rather pleasant and nothing could make it worse. I was in the need for some groceries when I decided to venture to the local Kroger's. I picked up some stuff and headed home. My arms were full of bags when I came to the security door of my building. The "older gentleman" was exiting at the same time and I thanked him again, as he has held the door open for me twice now. He's a nice man, I should make a note to talk with him more. Anyways, I stepped inside through the doorway, and he asked me if I lived in Apt #7. I said I did and he proceeded to tell me a small package with sitting on the floor for me. I glanced down and strained my eyes to make sure the label was clear.
Oh I was so giddy, I told him " thank you" and I bent down to pick it up! A package from CD JAPAN! It finally came!!! I thought I would get it on Tuesday, (Ironically, today) but it came a whole day earlier! I like to think it was a great gift for having such a splendid day. Some can say my day became great at that moment, but OH MAN DID IT GET EVEN BETTER!
I popped in the DVD first as I wanted to save the songs for when I could really sit and pay attention. The PV's were even more beautiful in CD quality! 孤独のカケラ (special version) was so much better on my television, than on Youtube. There were so many small details that were so magnificent when I could actually see them!
Once dinner was made and I sat down and talked with my sister as she had just gotten her copy as well. (we totally listened to it at the same almost precise weird is that?) I decided to pull out a binder with extra notebook paper. I needed to write down my thoughts of each song. I was going to be so prepared.
The CD was placed in the player, and I only hit the "play" button when I was completely ready. Alright, Ms. Angela, let's see what you have brought to the table.

push play.

1. サクラ色- The album opens with a familiar tune. I fell in love with this track the first time I heard it while watching the PV someone shot with their digital camera (back in the beginning of the year). As a song I felt is signified a growth from her HOME album, while still maintaining the same essence. This song complimented the ideas present in her Debut.

2. Again - I've waited for so long (as many others I'm sure) to have this song in CD quality. Upbeat and peppy - mmm- makes me just want to walk anywhere with my Ipod, the world in front of me. I don't know the destination I'm headed for, but I know I'll find where ever I'm supposed to be, and that everyone I met on this walk I will see again. Don't get me started on the PV...I'll just say I loved it.

3. TODAY - This is NOT a cover of the Smashing Pumpkins = This is an original song! I Love the word "today". There's something very absolute about it. I wasn't sure what to expect, having heard the cover of the Pumpkins so much. I found myself hopping/bouncing around my apartment. (There went the sitting down to write as I listened idea.)

4. 愛のうた - The beginning almost had me singing Sarah McLachlan's Angel, (Angel-a? ahaha, I think it's was witty). I got a very Sarah feel from the song - especially from the sound of the Surfacing album. 2 minutes in, I got a Damien Rice feel from the steady but not over powering drum. The slight Gospel stylings in her voice were like liquid gold...and that French Horn feature ------MELT MY HEART! This woman just knows what I like to listen to and to keep me listening. If she had a choir backing her on this one with some nice harmony (nothing powerful like gospel choirs) this song would have been AMAZING!

5. たしかに - Following such a rhythmic tune, たしかに wakes me up from the dreamy daze and re-energizes my senses! It's summer all over again! I still put this song on when I need to lift my spirits and brighten my day. The song is so alive that I literally feel the weight off my shoulder lift and float away. I feel like I can breathe again. I can achieve anything...because I am completely capable of accomplishments.

6. Silent Girl - Bringing down the pace, this song has a similar air like that of the her other song "大袈裟に「愛してる」". With a gentle melody, I was capable of just relaxing and enjoying the music and what it offered. ANGELA AKI DON'T YOU BE THAT SILENT GIRL!

7.モラルの葬式 - With the opening bars of the music, I was completely drawn in and in love. So many people have hailed this as the "宇宙" of this album, and they are right. The song is nothing short of brilliance! The Narrative within this music, and the lyrics are so powerful I immediately started imagining what kinds of people would be involved with the story the song was presenting. Compositionally, I didn't feel like it was "everywhere". Actually it was always moving to one end, and the different paces were just different movements. The five and half minute song was an entire musical in its own. The song, to put it simply, is ART - in all the meanings of the word.

8. 乙女心 - Sassy! This song has a lot of atitude...and not that annoying I know everything bad attitude. Ow! She's on Fire!

9. One Melody - I believe this is her standard Ballad. If applied to a Broadway setting, this could be the on song where the protagonist sings/proclaims to the audience there is always a connection between anything and something else. I imagine themes of finding a common ground seen in the plays and movies.

10. 友のしるし- I thought this lounge style was great. The song didn't come off as offensive (as some fans of Angela Aki seem put off by the style). The slight jazz twist definitely develops with an interesting progression, that I felt satisfied by the end. This song acted as a nice intermission.

11. 孤独のカケラ - To be honest after listening to the single, I really enjoyed "Solitude" more, but that's my opinion. This song still resonated that same way it did when I first heard it. I recognized the level of emotional commitment needed to write it and perform it.

12. On & On - One of my favorite B-sides!!! It's fun, but also manages to carry a somewhat heavy idea "Dreams Live On". Dreams are not meant to be given up on. They are the goals that make life worth living. If we are willing to work hard, we can make every aspect of our lives meaningful! We will define our existence as worthwhile! As long as we can dream - we claim to be living. That's what I think of when I hear this song.

PAUSE - this journey is about to close....let me just take a break.

13. Surrender - Closure has commenced. As the only English track on the album, this song has big shoes to fill where Your Love Song left off with. Surrender gracefully brings the wonderful voyage of TODAY to a much too soon end. The purpose of the last track is to bring the whole album to a conclusion. As Your Love Song did with the HOME album, Surrender does so proudly and with class.

Thus my evening came to a close as well. My monday, September 24, 2007 was amazing. How was yours?