Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now [album]

Joni Mitchell has one of those voices that just makes you want to listen more. Honestly, I'm not familiar with her work, but I picked up her Both Sides Now album, because I really love the title track.

For those of you unfamiliar with this song. The track "Both Sides Now" was used in the film, Love Actually, in the scene where Emma Thompson's character retreats to her bedroom when she realizes that her husband fancying another woman. It's a really moving scene.

Upon the initial listening, I immediate noted that Joni Mitchell is going to be put on my list of musicians who can sing anything and I'll stop everything to listen. Unbelievable just how power her voice is. It's full of life, and has the experience of life and only a musician can get with years.

1 comment:

Rebels in Wait said...

I remember that scene being moving, but I can't remember how the song goes. >< How's the cd?