Friday, September 28, 2007

Onitsuka Chihiro - everyhome [single]

Onitsuka Chihiro is back after a long break from the music scene. My sister was introduced to the great artist during her summer trip to Japan. I was told she took a break due to health reasons and she had surgery on her throat. I was worried that the surgery may prevent her from singing, but she has dropped this single and you know what? She still go it. (personal note: I need to review her other albums I have obtained)

1. everyhome - The song is just so beautiful. I was up late one night this summer and I found the PV and thought everything about this song was just incredible. Her voice is still prominent and although it is still noticeable that she had surgery, it's still strong and emotional. The piano accompaniment is the only backing she has and quite frankly, all she needs.

Welcome back Onitsuka Chihiro, we missed you.

2. MAGICAL WORLD - Continuing with the mood of everyhome, this song almost blends in with the ending of the the previous track. when playing in my Itunes, I almost didn't realize that everyhome ended and MAGICAL WORLD began. Again, the piano only services as the sole back up and again i think it's all she needs. I'm really fascinated with the quality of her voice. It's really unique.

3. 秘密 - More upbeat of the three tracks on this single, 秘密 (Secret) is a catchy tune. It's one of those songs that can get you working and concentrating on something. The tempo of the guitar and the drum are consistent and are not overpowering.

Overall, I can safetly say that Onitsuka Chihiro is back and she's still as good as before. I look forward to future releases and now I'm really going to go back and re-listen to her previous work.

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