Thursday, May 31, 2007

Angela Aki - HOME [single]

As the first Major single release from Angela Aki, I must say I fell in love with this lady's music.

HOME - The idea of the word "home" pervades the lyrics and music of this track. You don't have to understand the language to understand this song. it's powerful in that it has the ability to trigger the listeners memory and engage thoughts. This the perfect single to open a career with.

Kiseki - This track doesn't make as much of an impact as the lead track, but as a b-side, I find it rather fitting. It is upbeat and keeps my attention for the duration of its playtime.

Will You Dance? - This is just a great title. I love this b-side and I think it works well as the closing for this single. If you had the chance to dance with Angela Aki would you? I think I would.

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