Thursday, May 31, 2007

Utada Hikaru - First Love [album]

Look at how young she was when she debuted in the J-pop scene.

She had a different voice! She had a different sound! She provided music that was new and defied the standards of the J-pop scene of the day!

Meet Utada Hikaru.

My older sister spent a semester studying abroad at Kansai Gaidai Unviersity and came back to the America bringing gifts of musical discoveries. Her host sister was a street team promoter and gave my sister a copy of this album as well as the Wait & See -risk-, Addicted To You singles. I was hooked when I heard her sing. she's a couple of months older than I am and I think I had received my very first celebrity crush.

I love this CD and often play it to cheer myself up. So many memorable tracks, but B&C -album version- is my favorite!

I'll never forget karaoke a few years later in college where my sisters, our Japanese exchange friend and roommates sang these songs late into the night! So many good memories are associate with this album. I can't hate it.

True it's not her strongest CD, but she was 16, you can't hold that against her.

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